Welcome to the Hive

Hello All,

It's a new semester...well really half way through the new semester...but never too late to start learning.  For this first post, I'm going to introduce you all to a great resource for writing those pesky papers we teachers like to burden you with when you have so many other things to do.  You know..those papers where we ask you to use correct referencing style...hmmm.  I know it's all coming back to you now...the horror...sigh!!.

So here is the website where you can get all the help you need and it takes ...um...almost all the pain out of writing.  You will find many great useful tools to help you do research and show you how to put your information together.  The site is part of Purdue University's writing lab. 

I hope you find this helpful and please do leave any comments or questions for me here on the site and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Tips for Studying

Exams are around the corner and soon you'll all be tearing your hair out trying to cram everything into your brains at the last minute.  So lets face it...we could all use a tip or two to make things just a little bit easier.  Below is some sound advice on how to get through those pesky exams and survive another semester.  Try it out and let me knwo if they work for you.  Please feel free to leave your comments or suggestions for ways to study. 


* Analyze how you did on a similar test in the past
Review your previous tests, and sample tests, especially when studying for the final exam.
Each test prepares you for the next: the more tests you take, the better you will develop your test taking strategies.
* Arrive early for tests
Before a test, list everything you will need for it that is allowed.
(pencils/pens, calculator, dictionary, watch, etc.)
Good preparation helps you focus on the task at hand
* Be comfortable but alert
Choose a good spot in the room and make sure you have enough space to work,
maintain comfortable posture in your seat, but don't "slouch"
* Stay relaxed and confident
Keep a good attitude.
Remind yourself that you are well-prepared and are going to do well.
If you find yourself anxious, take several slow, deep breaths to relax
Don't talk about the test to other students just before entering the room: their anxiety can be contagious

Test Taking:

* Read the directions carefully
This may be obvious, but it will help you avoid careless errors
* If there is time, quickly look through the test for an overview
Note key terms, jot down brief notes
If you can, mark the test or answer sheet with comments that come to mind.
Ask if that is permitted!
* Answer questions in a strategic order:
1. Answer easy questions first
to build confidence, score points, and mentally orient yourself to vocabulary, concepts, and your studies. It may also help you make associations with more difficult questions.
2. Then difficult questions or those with the most point value
With objective tests, first eliminate those answers you know to be wrong, or are likely to be wrong, don't seem to fit, or where two options are so similar as to be both incorrect.
With essay questions, broadly outline your answer and sequence the order of your points.
* Review:
Resist the urge to leave as soon as you have completed all the items
Review your test to make sure that you
o have answered all questions
o did not mis-mark answers
o did not make simple mistakes

Proofread spelling, grammar, punctuation, decimal points, etc.

Change answers to questions if you made a mistake, or misread the question
or if you find information elsewhere in the test that indicates that your first choice is incorrect

Decide on and adopt study strategies that work best for you
Review your test preparation and identify those habits that worked well and replace those that don't!

Information Courtesy of Study Guides & Strategies